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People in need of assistance may visit the Project Timothy office located at 249 East Main Street in downtown Dayton, Washington.
The Project Timothy office is open between the hours of 12:00 noon and 2:00 pm Tuesday - Friday 509 - 382 - 2943
Financial assistance includes:
  • Emergency Housing
  • Emergency Food – Meals
  • Rental Assistance
  • Financial assistance with utilities
  • Transportation – Gas vouchers
Special preference is given to single mothers with children, as well as families with school age children.
If emergency assistance is needed during afterhours, you may seek assistance at the Columbia County Sheriff's office located at 341 East Main – Dayton, Washington.
The sheriff's office can provide Project Timothy Vouchers when emergency help is needed.
The sheriff's office is on the ground floor of the Columbia County Courthouse.
Project Timothy Volunteers strictly follow the guidelines of the organization, when providing financial assistance. Assistance is limited due to funding restraints. However, all are welcomed with respect and dignity.
Project Timothy - Serving Since 1990
249 East Main Street | Dayton, WA 99328 | 509 - 382 - 2943

Copyright 2024 © Project Timothy of Dayton, Washington.
All Rights Reserved.